Thewizardliz: This video will make you Confident!!!

Thewizardliz: This video will make you Confident!!!


001. Develop new skills.
002. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable: Do small things but do them consistently.
003. Push yourself to do things that scare you.
004. Accept and really feel certain emotions until they go away.
005. Be open to strangers/network.
006. Let go of perfectionism.
007. Create routines.
008. Take care of your inner and outer appearance.
009. Work on your posture: Make sure that you move a lot.
010. Create another version of you until it becomes you: act like the highest version of yourself and eventually become that.
011. Create the “Okay, and?” mentality.
012. Realise this life is temporary.
013. Realise how weird people are.
014. Limit your social media.
015. Realise you are not that important.
016. Love yourself whilst in the process.
017. Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you love.
018. Walk into places like you own the place.
019. You don’t need to prove yourself.
020. Realise you know nothing and be willing to learn from others.
021. Stop trying to ‘Fill in’ and really listen to people.
022. God Always Provides.

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