Communist =!!!= Fascist
Almost Definitions:
– Communist
Communism derives from the French communisme, which developed out of the Latin roots communis and the suffix isme.
The Italian term fascismo is derived from fascio, meaning ‘bundle of sticks’, ultimately from the Latin word fasces.
Capitalism is the Truth and the Antidote to Communism.
Is communism good?
26+ National Treasons!!!
– Murders without trial (justice)!
– Persecution, compromise and decomposition of “enemy” emigration.
– Financial and economic crimes.
– The criminal silence of the accident at the Soviet Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
– and many more vile, treacherous and dangerous acts… that even mentally ill people with Paranoid Schizophrenia are NOT capable of doing…
Нас червеното знаме роди ни,
нас не ще ни уплаши смъртта.
Ние сме на всеки километър,
ние сме на всеки километър
и така до края на света.
Музика и текст (Коста Карагеоргиев R.I.P 1939-1998)!
On Every Kilometer (1969)
Kosta Karageorgiev – Bulgarian Film Music
LICENSES – Merlin – KVZ Digital (on behalf of BALKANTON AD), and 1 Music Rights Societies.